UNC Greensboro

Leadership Highlight: UNCG’S SGA President Awa Mbai

Awa Mbai

In an effort to highlight the people who are leading colleges and universities across the nation, we at Watch The Yard reached out to UNCG and did an interview with Awa Mbai the 2023-2024 Student Government Association president.

Cailyn Stackhouse: My Day As A Student Leader

Cailyn Stackhouse holding an SGA 100th Session stress ball

“Student Government Association has given me so many leadership opportunities, and being here at UNCG has been able to allow me to connect with students and staff. UNCG has such a diverse environment, there’s something here really for everyone.”

Meet The New Student Body President: Awa Mbai

Awa Mbai Featured

Awa Mbai has been a member of the UNC Greensboro Student Government Association (SGA) for several years; but now, she’s taking on her biggest role yet, and thanks to UNCG, she’s ready to get to work.

Summer Internships Give Spartans Real World Experience

Awa Mbai Interning at Washington DC

A first-generation college student, Mbai helps people navigate immigration casework from Rep. Manning’s Greensboro field office – reporting to the U.S. State Department about cases and any problems people may be having.

Leadership Highlight: UNCG’S SGA President Hazael Mengesha

Hazael Mengesha

Serving as SGA President has shown me the importance of communication between all campus stakeholders to achieve a goal. It has taught me how to effectively delegate work, not only to level the load but also to strengthen my peers as leaders.

Meet SGA President Hazael Mengesha

Hazael Mengesha

Spartans have been transitioning into a “new normal” while back on campus for the fall semester. SGA President Hazael Mengesha is making that sense of community a priority after a year of learning, research, and community engagement through screens.